9-1.1 Processed - Molded (1-1/2")

9-1.1 "Buffalo" horn - Veneer (5/8")

9-1.2 Tortoise - Silver Inlay (7/8")

9-1.2 Tortoise - Realistic Shape (3-1/4")

9-2 Unprocessed (1")

9-3 Back Type - Pin Shank (3/8")

9-3 Back Type - Pin Shank - Bone Inlay (1-1/8")

9-4 Decorative Finish (DF) - Wax Resist Finish - Dyed (1")

9-4 Decorative Finish (DF) - Iridescent Finish - BM (1/2")

9-4 Decorative Finish (DF) - Metallic finish (paint?) (3/4")

9-4 Decorative Finish (DF) - Dyed - Molded (7/8")

9-4 Decorative Finish (DF) - Dyed - Paris BM (1-1/8")

9-4 Decorative Finish (DF) - Paint - BM (1")

9-5 Mechanical Make-up - Unusual horn backed metal pictorial (1-1/8")

9-5 Mechanical Make-up - 5-Piece (1-3/4")

9-5 Mechanical Make-up - Laminate - Wood & Horn - Realistic (3-5/8")

9-5.1 Mechanical Make-up - Inlay MOP (1-7/8")

9-5.1 Mechanical Make-up - Inset - VI
Paste OME (11/16")

9-5.1 Mechanical Make-up - Inset Pearl - "Buffalo" (3/4")

9-5.1 Mechanical Make-up - Inset - Brass (1-1/8")

9-5.1 Mechanical Make-up - Inset Wood (1-1/8")

9-5.2 Mechanical Make-up - Veneer Mother-of-pearl (11/16")

9-5.2 Mechanical Make-up - Veneer Composition (1-1/8")

9-5.2 Mechanical Make-up - Veneer Wood (1-3/16")

9-5.2 Mechanical Make-up - Veneer - Tortoise, Brass, Silver & MOP Inlay (3/4")

9-5.2 Mechanical Make-up - Tortoise Veneer - Ivory, Brass & Pearl inlay (1-1/8")

9-6 Other Material Embellishments - Fabric - Velvet (1-3/8")

9-6 Other Material Embellishments - Bone - Realistic Shape (1")

9-6 Other Material Embellishments - Shell & Wood -Whistle-hole (5/8")

9-6 Other Material Embellishments - Enamel - Plaquette (3/4")

9-6 Other Material Embellishments - Pastes (1-3/8")

9-6 Other Material Embellishments - Glass - Steels (1-5/8")

9-6.1 Other Material Embellishments/Metal - Brass & Faceted Steels (1-3/4")

9-6.1 Other Material Embellishments/Metal - Silver Rose (7/8")

9-6.1 Other Material Embellishments/Metal - Metal Rim (7/8")

9-6.1 Other Material Embellishments/Metal - Brass & Steel (11/16")

9-6.1 Other Material Embellishments/Metal - Brass Head (1")

9-6.1 Other Material Embellishments/Metal - Steel Mirror (11/16")

9-6.1 Other Material Embellishments/Metal - White metal & shell - Contour Ball shape (1/2")

9-7 Working Methods - Pierced - Silver OME (2")

9-7.1 Working Methods - Carved - Realistic Mask (1")

9-7.1 Working Methods - Carved - Linear shape (1-1/4")

9-7.1 Working Methods - Carved - 2 Piece - Contour shape (1-3/8")

9-7.1 Working Methods - Carved - (1-3/8")

9-7.1 Working Methods - Turned/Lathed - Whistle-hole (1-1/4")

9-7.2 Working Methods - Impression Inlay - Pearl-Metal (1-1/4")

9-7.2 Working Methods - Impression Inlay - Celluloid (1")

9-7.2 Working Methods - Impression Inlay - Shell (1-1/16")

9-7.2 Working Methods - Impression Inlay - Linear shape (1")

9-7.2 Working Methods - Impression Inlay Metal & Pearl (1-1/8")

9-7.2 Working Methods - Impression Inlay Celluloid & Pearl (7/8")

9-7.2 Working Methods - Impression Inlay - Piqué point (15/16")

9-7.3 Working Methods - Molded surface design (1-3/8")

9-7.3 Working Methods - Molded surface design - "Blond" (1-1/2")

9-7.3 Working Methods - Molded surface design - Dyed - Jenny Lind (1-1/8")

9-7.3 Working Methods - Molded surface design - BM (1-1/8")

9-8 Unlisted - Mounted in/on metal - Tortoise Background (1-3/8")

9-8 Unlisted - Mounted in/on metal - Silver Inlay (3/4")

9-8 Unlisted - Mounted in/on metal (1-1/4")

An example of Division II Canadian Uniform Button, Royal Winnipeg Rifles

Examples of Division II British Uniform Buttons (See how shank is molded into horn body)